Thursday, October 9, 2008
Sample contest entry and size specs
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Notes as I go! :)
From October 10th... Title could be "delays delays...!"
Hahaha! My car claimed Murphy's Law since I said I'd post the rest of the info over here today... and thus I was afraid to drive it home from the barn longer than it took just to print out some Subaru forum search results for possible causes and rush to the bank & PO. I have a post on my regular blog here about the ongoing escalation of car issues making me afraid to drive it much of anywhere since late Aug. Don't fret too much. .. it traps me at the barn all day working on bitty bosco who's really coming out nifty! The weather is still nice enough and I save gas and don't waste as much time online as I used to I suppose either - bonus sorta eh?! :D I just only have so much to spend to fix it and this particular issue is one the dealers around here take thousands for (from others who've had similar issues). I'd rather buy another junker if that's the case in the end... so we're trying to trouble shoot as the AWD slowly starts to play games...
In the meantime! I still gotta format the prize info and get it over here tomorrow evening I guess. Tonight was "date night" where I watch a movie with my boyfriend and chill. I'm going to guess that folks are working hard on the creative scene entries? I'm really hoping to see some fun stuff so I hope everyone isn't too depressed by real world events at the moment. Cuz it is scary. (hugs to a few I know who've lost jobs recently btw). :( Ok, well creative fun is free so please share! :D
From Oct 11th... Title "ACK DUH ME!!!" lol! ;)
Just fyi that I changed I have JUST changed the wording in the rules on what people will be voting on… I've changed it from "most realistic and festive" to "their favorite"… Msg sent out to yahoogroup about this... Msg #395 titled " Ack!!! (changed something fairly important on those last rules...!)"
Yeah... I'll be back late evening if anyone has any questions. I'm SO SORRY - UGH!!! :(